I'm a very gentle man,
even tempered and good natured
who you never hear complain,
Who has the milk of human kindness
by the quart in every vein,
A patient man am I, down to my fingertips,
the sort who never could, ever would,
let an insulting remark escape his lips
A very ordinary gentle man
–Lowe, My Fair Lady
But - indifferent and unthinking people have changed my view of life, from a Gentle and Affable Human to a Kranky Curmudgeon Here is a look at some petty annoyances, or how I turned from an unwilling victim to a grouchy old coot.
Let’s start with the tiresome and lazy expression that is the verbal wheelchair of the retail and service industry: …“Have a nice day.”
Which prompts me to recoil and say: “What do you mean by telling me to having a nice day. If I want to enjoy my day, I will decide to do so – on my own. Your apathetic request is neither welcome nor thoughtful.” “Wouldn’t this sound a little more pleasant:”
May the garden fairies,
sprinkle dew kissed pose petals,
on the path of your life!
Or as my southern aunts would say so delightfully:
“Land sakes a mercy, y’all come back soon - heah, an bring the childr’n.”